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Are we finally about to get a vaccine for RSV?

Every year RSV hospitalises three million children under five years old, along with approximately 336,000 older adults. While it has always flown under the radar, relatively speaking, compared to outbreaks of other respiratory viruses such as influenza, it poses a substantial burden to healthcare systems both in the western world and low income nations.

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genetic testing

Insciter Insights: Exploring the Human DNA Library

The Human Genome Project has profoundly impacted biological research, boosting new tools to obtain and analyse DNA and genomic data, fostering more international collaboration and more distribution of research data among scientists, as well as accelerating the progress of knowledge about human health and diseases.

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marine organisms

Marine bioprospecting: an underwater world of opportunity.

In the oceans of the world the biggest treasures are still waiting to be discovered. They come in the form of bioactive compounds from all kinds of marine organisms and are applicable for healthcare and several other industries. These compounds with valuable properties, some with the potential to become disruptive products in the market can be discovered anywhere under the water, floating in the abysses or hidden in the sediments. Some are the outcome of symbiotic associations, others because of the unique habitats where they have evolved during millions of years.

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Psilocybin and new alternatives to antidepressants

Over the past decade, there has been a startling rise in the number of people taking antidepressants. Numbers have spiked even more over the past couple of years as the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic and repeated lockdowns have exerted a toll on mental health, with an estimated $26.25 billion worth of antidepressant medications being dispensed around the globe in 2020.

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