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Beyond Musk’s Neuralink: What Is Happening In Brain Computer Interfaces Across The World?
In a not too distant future your brain will be integrated in the internet, and your thoughts will be inputs, having a direct and immediate physical impact in your surroundings. Brain computer interfaces (BCI) will translate what you are thinking to do at that moment: moving a cursor on the screen or a bionic limb, interacting with a machine at the fabric, your toaster at home or whatever goes through your imagination.

What we know about children and Long Covid?
With the rise of ever more contagious Covid-19 variants, more children are being affected. For example, around 80 children under 5 in the UK are being hospitalised with Covid-19 each day, a rate which is three times higher than summer of 2021.

Bioinformatics thought leaders
We talk with bioinformatics thought leaders Daniel Brami of Bristol-Myers Squibb and Hao Fan of the Bioinformatics Institute of Singapore to understand the early stage market development of this exciting but complex emerging field.

Bioinformatics: making sense of life’s hidden codes
Bioinformatics is the study patterns of nucleic acid sequences or proteins, trying to unveil the codes of life using maths, statistics, and applying algorithms to explore questions and find answers in massive datasets, tasks impossible to solve just with traditional biological methods.

Can immunotherapies help tackle type 1 diabetes?
Type 1 diabetes is a progressive autoimmune disease where the immune system attacks the body’s own insulin-producing beta cells in the pancreas. One of the biggest hopes is different forms of immunotherapy which could be particularly useful for those newly diagnosed with type 1 diabetes.

Longevity: a market 10 times bigger than cancer?
Ageing, life extension, longevity…this market is being named in different ways. Who wants to live longer? Behind this question there is a multibillion-dollar opportunity that englobes several areas of health and research.

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